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Is Affiliate Marketing Difficult In 2020?


Like many things these days, folks overthink then end up asking themselves a number of confidence killing questions including ‘ís affiliate marketing difficult in 2020?’. This may lead to overworking or a drop in morale. Here’s my take on Affiliate marketing in 2020 and why it is now so much easier than it has ever been.

I began affiliate marketing when I was 11 years old. At the time I didn’t know it was called affiliate marketing. I started it at school, I went about looking for people who were selling stuff (gadgets – gameboys, RC cars etc). From there we would agree on a ‘cut’ that I would get for every sale I managed to bring. That was the easy part.


How Can I Promote My Affiliate Links in 2020?


The difficult part was knowing who to sell these items to and how, without alerting potential competition. After some thought, I had an idea, I simply hung out with groups at sports functions, choir practice etc. People learned to trust me so at relevant moments when I suggested a gadget that was for sale, they bought it because they trusted me and I got my commission (they knew about it, I have always been transparent in business).

Years later when cellphones hit the market (I was done with school by then), I marketed phones then expanded to computers, cars, then houses. Now I do this for b2b software.

The strategy hasn’t changed, in fact it is now easier because I don’t have to travel. While watching the Office (the T.V. show) I simply send my link via email to my target market or add my referral link to a discussion on social media when it is appropriate. All done on my ipad or phone. It is because of this that I wonder why many people keep asking ‘is affiliate marketing difficult in 2020?’.

People basically have to trust you before they even look at what you are recommending. So if you go around the internet posting ‘BUY NOW’ links, you’ll look desperate and shady and that is not a good look online……in fact anywhere!


What is the Best Affiliate Marketing Program in 2020?


Look for an affiliate product you understand and can write about in a natural way without sounding like you are selling, and you will see things working out. Create an account on tumblr, wordpress, twitter and reddit then occasionally answer questions related to your affiliate product. When conducive, drop your affiliate link in the conversation. Many other people will read those conversations and click those links long after you have left them.


What kind of affiliate programs are best?


Personally I prefer business to business affiliate programs, because businesses tended to make repeat purchases and that means recurring commissions. Also, they are seldom seasonal purchases, so your earning potential if from January to December every year. Don’t forget that companies, refer you to other companies when they like what you have recommended.

Here is a good affiliate program for you if you are a fan of marketing. I guarantee you won’t be one of those saying ‘is affiliate marketing difficult in 2020?’.

Australian Telemarketing Leads